Check out our new service!
We are a full-service advertising agency providing you always with top quality at an affordable price. Continuous brainstorming and creativity drive us every day, unleashing creativity is our passion. We are proud of having started as a family business and have been operating as an independent, Hungarian-owned agency since then. The love of working together creates a friendly environment, which our customers can also feel. High standards and care are part and parcel of our package – it is not only the goals that we need to achieve together, more important is to have fun along the way…Do not hesitate to contact us!
Creative. The enthusiastic team of an experienced art director, copywriters and designers, for whom nothing is impossible in visuality and who are capable of enabling any crazy idea to materialise. For each project they jointly create something new to ensure that the achieved result is outstanding and imaginative. The team also has unique professionalism in the field of 3D design, from smaller objects to complex installations and large structures.
Motion. The Motion’s team produces short movies to suit individual needs. It can be social media video, corporate HR or PR films, product and service preview or an image film of an event. They are ready for the challenges from the concept creation to the production.
Digital. Young digital revolutionaries who know everything about the communication arsenal of the present and the future and are not afraid of using it or inventing new tools. They have an innovative approach to problems and consider the process leading their solutions an opportunity. The innovators also cope with the development of soon-to-be successful startups.
Promotion. They know customer psychology the best, and therefore they can sell anything to anyone, at any time and any price. Whether it is a service or a product, they hold the key to customers. They create programmes that are so novel and surprising that no consumer will want to miss them.
Event. Creatively designed and precisely produced spectacular wonders, the magicians of programmes who do not know the impossible during implementation. They have several decades of experience in organising events, and therefore there is no problem they could not solve on the spot, in only a few minutes or seconds.
PR. They can PRioritise anything. They can convert any topic to word-of-mouth and highlight the best characteristics of your company. They engage in a proactive communication to enhance brand reputation, increasing the loyalty of all customers.
Senior account manager
We are looking for a senior account manager to join the LT Communication Advertising Agency team! Do you like rush and exciting, spectacular projects? Is it important to you that your work be diverse? When problems need to be solved, are you the first person in your environment to find a solution? If you answered YES to the above questions, then we have the place for you!
LT Communication Advertising Agency
H-1139 Budapest, Fáy u. 20.
Tel.: +36 1 707 78 74